Procurement and Contracts

Take a look at upcoming procurement opportunities and contracts out for bid at TriMet, including bids received and contracts awarded.

Register as a vendor

To stay current on upcoming contracting opportunities at TriMet, we encourage you to register as a vendor. Once you register, you can download solicitation documents and receive automatic notification of contracting opportunities.

Register now   Registration Guide PDF

FY2023–25 Draft Goal for DBE Contracting

Every three years, TriMet is required to submit its aspirational goal for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) contracting to the Federal Transit Administration.

Our draft goal for Fiscal Years 2023–2025 is 14.85%.

FY2023–25 DBE Draft Goal PDF

Small Business Enterprise (SBE) Participation Goal is 20%

Minority Business Enterprise (MBE)
Women Business Enterprise (WBE)
Veteran Business Enterprise (VBE)
Emerging Small Business (ESB)

Contracting opportunities with TriMet

  • Construction
  • Architectural and Engineering
  • Bus/light rail parts and materials
  • Landscaping
  • Consulting
  • Bus shelter cleaning, repair and maintenance
  • IT hardware and software
  • Janitorial services
  • And many more!

Small procurement is used to purchase goods and services that do not exceed $10,000.

TriMet may elect to directly award a firm if the price is fair and reasonable.

Intermediate procurement is required for contracts over $10,000 that do not to exceed $150,000 or for public improvement contracts that do not exceed $100,000.

For these opportunities TriMet must solicit a minimum of three bids before electing to award a contract. Construction contracts under $100,000 do not require bonding.

Formal procurement is required when soliciting goods and services over $150,000 or over $100,000 for public improvement contracts.

Request for proposals and invitations to bid will be published online via TriP$. Invitations to bid will award contracts based on the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. Requests for proposal will award contracts based on the best value, taking price and technical factors into consideration.

Business Resources

Clean Air Construction Standard

In July 2022, TriMet adopted the Clean Air Construction (CAC) Standard. All diesel non-road equipment over 25hp and all diesel concrete mixers and dump trucks used on TriMet public improvement projects shall meet the CAC requirements according to the phase-in schedule.

TriMet Clean Air Construction Program Contract Requirements

More information

Auctions of retired TriMet vehicles

When TriMet vehicles (such as buses, mini buses, cars and trucks) are retired from service, we send them to an auctioneer.

Learn more