Committee on Accessible Transportation (CAT) Meetings

Wednesday, September 18, 9–11:30 a.m.

Business Meeting

Meetings will be held online until further notice

How to watch/listen

➡️ Video

Join the meeting live on WebEx.

Watch online
Password: Kgpw8MYxr43

➡️ Phone

Listen to the meeting on your phone.

+1-415-655-0001 US Toll Free
Access code: 2536 007 7526

Public Attendance and Public Comments

Comments from the public are welcome during the “public comments” portion of the agenda for CAT Meetings. You can submit written comments or sign up to speak.

Sign up to speak

Each speaker has three minutes to speak.

Online sign up form
Guidelines for Public Comments PDF

Written comments

Submit written comments via email.



The General CAT Business meeting is held the third Wednesday of the month. Field activities, sub-committees, and Ad Hoc committee meetings are scheduled as needed.

Meeting minutes will be posted to the website after approval at the subsequent CAT Meeting. If you have any questions about the schedule please call (503) 962-8245.

Communication aids

If you require an interpreter or other communication aids, please call 503-962-8245 or TTY 7-1-1 (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays) at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting.

Get updates by email

Sign up to receive CAT meeting notices by email.